Heal the Chakras

 Root: beets, parsnip, apples, pomegranates, protein, stretch, root poses, take a shower, meditate envisioning the color red, walk outdoors barefoot 

Sacral: seeds, nuts, oranges, carrots, pumpkins, sacral poses, positive affirmations, drink more water

Solar Plexus: yellow peppers, yellow lentils, yellow squash, oats, bananas, solar plexus poses, utilize amber crystals, drink chamomile tea, positive affirmations

Heart: broccoli, kale, chard, all leafy greens, heart poses, utilize rose quartz, wear green clothes, positive affirmations

Throat: blueberries, blue raspberries, figs, kelp, neck poses, utilize Lapus Lazuli, positive affirmations

Third Eye: blackberries, plums, purple grapes, head stands and inversions, utilize amethyst, look at the stars

Crown: Ginger, Herbal teas, Fresh air, sunlight, nature, inversions, utilize clear quartz, mantras