Introverts are energized by being quiet, reflective and calm. They maintain a distance from the outside world and prefer to conserve their energy.
Introverts enjoy: contemplating ideas and experiences, Being in calm surroundings, Exploring a subject in depth, Reflecting on thoughts or feelings, Maintaining distance and privacy, Quiet and solitude

Intuitives focus on ideas, impressions, and interpretations of meaning. Intuitives process information in an abstract, imaginative way. They focus on ideas and concepts that cannot be directly observed.
Intuitives focus on: observing patterns and connections, Interpreting meaning, Imagining potential, Ideas and concepts, Innovation and creativity, Possibilities for the future

Thinkers make decisions based on logic and reason. They believe every person has a responsibility to take care of  themselves.
Thinkers are concerned with: using logical reasoning, being unbiased and impartial, considering costs and benefits, seeping consistency and justice, keeping a competitive edge, making objective decisions
I'm close to the midzone 
Feelers make decisions based on emotions and personal concerns. Feelers value empathy, cooperation, and compassion. They believe everyone has a responsibility to take care of those around them.
Feelers are concerned with: acting out ideals, engaging emotions, considering the impact on people, seeking harmony and appreciation, serving others, making authentic decisions.

With thinking I do consider the costs and benefits and try to be unbiased and impartial, use logical reasoning
With feeling I consider the impact on people and make authentic decisions, I also enjoy helping others

Perceivers prefer to be spontaneous and flexible. They have a carefree attitude towards life and would rather be flexible than structured.
Perceivers prefer to: follow the whims of the moment, make the rules up as they go, have the freedom to be flexible, brainstorm options, do things when inspiration strikes, go with the flow and enjoy surprises
I'm close to the midzone
Judgers prefer to keep things organized and plan in advance. They like structure and order, resist distractions and stay focused on their goals
Judger prefer to: create a plan and stick to it, see a task through to completion, adhere to a schedule, set goals and maintain focus, follow rules and regulations, set clear expectations.

With perceiving I very much need freedom, flexibility, go with the flow, do things when inspiration strikes
With judging I create a plan sticking to it is iffy, I set goals and I complete them when it is something I actually want to do

Logician personality INTP
Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually know as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, Logicians have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history. 


Analytical- Logicians analyze everything that they come across, from research data to the behavior of the people around them. This gives them a knack for spotting unexpected patterns and connections that other personality types might overlook

Original- Thanks to their unrelenting imagination, Logicians can come up with creative, counterintuitive ideas that wouldn't occur to most people. Not all of these ideas are feasible, of course, but Logicians' willingness to think outside the box can produce remarkable innovations

Open minded - Logicians are driven by curiosity and an intense desire to learn everything they can. People with this personality type tend to be receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things - as long as those ideas are supported by sound reasoning

Curious - These personalities are always casting about for new pursuits, hobbies, and areas of research. One week, they might be obsessed with geophysics, and then next, they might lose themselves in videos about guitar building. When inspiration strikes, Logicians go all in on their newfound interest, learning everything that they can

Objective - Logicians care about the truth. Rather than taking comfort in ideology or received ideas, they want to understand what's really going on.

Disconnected - Logicians can get lost in their own train of thought, even when they're with other people. When these personalities finally resurface with something to say, they may find that the conversation has moved on without them. This can cause them to feel disconnected from other people, especially in large social gatherings.

Insensitive - people with this personality type see rationality as the key to a better, happier world. At times, they may underestimate the importance of such irrational values as emotions, compassion, etiquette, and tradition. As a result, they may inadvertently come across as insensitive or unkind, even though their intentions are generally good

Dissatisfied - Logicians can't help but imagine how things could be better than they already are. These personalities are constantly on the lookout for problems to solve, topics to learn, and new ways to approach things. Taken too far, this mindset can become overwhelming, with Logicians constantly trying to reinvent the wheel rather than reliably address their needs and responsibilities.

Impatient - Logicians take pride in their knowledge and in sharing their ideas. When it comes to explaining their rationale, however, they aren't always patient. if their conversation partner doesn't follow along or seem sufficiently interested, Logicians may give up with a dismissive never mind.

Perfectionistic - Logicians want to get things done, but their quest for perfection can get in the way. At times, these personalities may get so lost in analyzing various options that they never reach a decision. They may also give up on projects that don't match the ideal vision in their mind

Career paths

freethinking and eccentric, logicians may struggle to find jobs and career paths that really suit them. Logicians are unusual personalities with unique perspectives on the world and few work environments are designed with them in mind. But with a little ingenuity, Logicians can find work that takes full advantage of their strengths - including creativity, a passion for ideas, and an innovative spirit. These qualities, like so many things about this personality type, are rare. As a result, Logicians can - with little effort - find ways to stand out in a wide range of fields.
Called to explore
Logicians long for exploration but not in any conventional way. They find themselves drawn to the realms of theories and ideas, eager to delve beneath the surface of everyday life and investigate the mysteries of the universe
For logician personalities, an ideal workday involves tackling difficult, seemingly unsolvable problems - whether that takes the form of managing a pet store or theorizing about parallel universes.
With their curious spirits, Logicians can find the beauty in concepts that might make other personality types eyes glaze over. Logicians are well represented among mathematicians, analysts, researchers, and scientists, particularly in more abstract fields such as physics, jobs in engineering and technology can also be a match, especially if they allow room for creativity - Logicians would much rather pioneer new approaches than spend their days implementing someone else's work. That said, Logicians needn't limit themselves to technical fields. Their talent for analysis and research can be invaluable in pretty much any line of work - and Logicians have the flexibility to shine even in careers that might not seem like an obvious match. Any job that allows these personalities to invent or experiment with new processes
Deeper Motivations
At times, Logicians may be difficult for their colleagues to understand. Unlike many personality types, Logicians aren't motivated by a desire to impress their boss, be accepted by their coworkers, or get a fancy new job titles. In fact, they're often turned off by things that motivate other workers, such as team building exercises, watercooler chitchat, check in meetings, or motivational speeches from managers. Instead, people with this personality type are driven by their own curiosity and their own high standards for themselves. For Logicians, good enough is rarely good enough, and they'd hate to be called average or even worse mediocre. But they aren't hardworking just for the sake of it, and not every task captures their attention equally. At times, they might ignore routine or administrative work in favor of pursuits that they consider more engaging or important
All Logicians really want is to immerse themselves in an interesting project, and they tend to get annoyed by anything that interrupts this focus
Few things frustrate Logicians more than dealing with overbearing bosses or waiting around for other people's input. As a result, they are often drawn to self-directed workplaces with relatively flat hierarchies. Laboratories can be an excellent match.
Social cues
Nearly every job posting these days requests candidates with strong people skills. Logicians might argue that people skills are overrated - and given how many fields are being revolutionized by data and technology, they may have a point. Increasingly, employers need people like Logicians who can understand complex systems and think critically. Where Logicians rarely thrive is in workplaces that require them to provide a high degree of emotional satisfaction - working as a cruise ship massage therapist is probably not their happy place. That said, people with this personality type are nothing if not adaptable,  and they can absolutely succeed in service or people oriented positions. In these roles, Logicians may need to keep their minds engaged by experimenting with new, more effective ways of serving their customers
Logicians may be tempted to steer clear of careers that involve social interactions, but they often find that success in any field requires at least some amount of collaborating with other people
person fulfillment. for you, comes from being creative. You're bored to death doing just about any other type of work. And satisfaction doesn't come easily as you hold yourself to an incredibly high standard. When you're supposed to be basking in the glow of a completed project, you're constantly wondering how you could've made it better. It's both a gift and a curse, it's how you're able to constantly raise the bar and improve over time. But it can also be paralyzing and cause you to miss deadlines. Sometimes, you just need to set the bird free.
You approach everything with a combination of skepticism and curiosity. You spend your life creating a vast internal framework where every piece of data is sifted into the most precise categories and connected to everything else. You have a knack for modifying and adapting to situations and solving novel problems that require innovation and creativity. Because you tend to have strong intuition, you see possibilities beyond the present and obvious
Strengths include: seeing possibilities beyond the obvious, thinking outside the box, weighing pros and cons and leverage points, detecting logical inconsistencies or loopholes, categorizing data, analyzing complex information, imagining opportunities beyond the present moment.